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Responsive and coloured theme for Apache directory listing (mod_autoindex module).


PrettyIndex is a responsive, coloured kind of Metro theme built to enhance the experience of browsing web directories. It uses the mod_autoindex Apache module, some CSS to override the default style and—some JS & JQuery—to alter the generated table structure of a directory listing.


PrettyIndex requires an Apache(2.2.11+) enabled HTTP server.

Let’s assume you have a folder named share in your server root directory (the path thus being that you’d like to use as your listing directory:

PrettyIndex theme

If you’d like to alter the default PrettyIndex theme, look in the /PrettyIndexTheme folder and you’ll find the following files:

Edit these as you would any other HTML or CSS file.


The PrettyIndex theme has icons in place for the following extensions:

.7z .aac .aif .aifc .aiff .ape .asf .asx .au .avi .bmp .bz2 .cab .css .csv .doc  .docx
.f4a .f4b .f4p .f4v .flac .flv .gif .gz .htm .html .ico .iff .it .jar .java .jpe .jpeg .jpg
.js .m4a .m4v .mid .mkv .mod .mov .mp3 .mp4 .mpa .mpg .odp .oga .ogg .ogv .pdf .php .png
.pot .potm .potx .pps .ppsm .ppsx .ppt .pptm .pptx .psd .ra .rm .s3m .srt .swf .tar .tif
.tiff .tsv .txt .vob .wav .wma .wmv .xcf .xlam .xlr .xls .xlsm .xlsx .xltm .xltx .xm .zip


Make sure the options set in .htaccess files of PrettyIndex can actually be changed. This means that you need to allow to ovveride the used options in your apache configuration of the directory PrettyIndex used with: AllowOverride Indexes

Find more information in the in the apache documentation.


PrettyIndex owes its existence to the amazing apaxy by Adam Whitcroft.

Font Awesome are used as icons in PrettyIndex.

Bootstrap is used to make PrettyIndex responsive.

JQuery is used to get total control of Apache autoindex listing.